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Case Studies

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Dr. Regina Lark is a professional organizer and feminist historian. Several years ago, the concept of ‘emotional labor’ turned on a lightbulb in her mind that excited her greatly. The emotional labor concept integrated Regina’s background in feminist history, organizational challenges and social change. She knew she wanted to write a book. She had lots of notes, clear ideas, and tons of research material but whenever she sat down to write, other priorities won out, or she just could not quite get the right words out of her head.

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After years of working with clients, Jonda had an approach to residential organizing that was simple and effective. Her clients loved it! But it relied on her being physically present with each client or having to conduct in-person workshops. She wanted to translate her approach into a format that would be easy for her clients to follow on their own but with enough customization to be personalized to their unique situations.

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Linda is a very good writer. And a smart, wide-ranging thinker. By the time she called me she had already begun and stopped writing her book several times. She was easily distracted not only by incessant emails, copious phone calls and needy dogs, but by her own internal ideas and thoughts. Content was everywhere: in hard copy files, electronic files on two different computers, in her head, within dozens of websites, on sticky notes. “The book is all here, somewhere”, Linda said. She needed to get her time, thoughts and content organized.


Judith Kolberg is a pioneer in the field of professional organizing forming FileHeads Professional Organizers in 1989.  


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